Wooden Camera Zip Box Pro 4 x 5.65 Matte Box (80mm, Clamp-On) *open box* Online

The clamp-on Wooden Camera Zip Box Pro 4 x 5.65 Matte Box for lenses with an 80mm front fills out the Wooden Camera matte box lineup, fitting in neatly between the UMB-1 line and the original rubber Zip Box. A lightweight yet durable matte box with interchangeable mounting systems, the Zip Box Pro accepts up to three 4 x 5.65 (Panavision-style) filters without the use of filter trays. If reflections from light sources in frame are a concern, they you can tilt up to two filters in the matte box to help move the reflections out of picture area.
This clamp-on matte box comes with an 80mm clamp that allows you to mount it directly onto your lens. The clamp-on backs are interchangeable, allowing you to work with lenses of different diameters or convert the Zip Box Pro to a swing-away matte box. It is recommended that you use a lens with a non-rotating front when working with a clamp-on matte box. An included carbon fiber top flag helps block veiling glare or bright reflections from striking your lens, and can be folded down to cover the front of the matte box and provide protection to the front of your lens.